Inspired by fossils found while hiking in the desert.
This collection of mugs were made for daily reflection on our mortality.
We get to experience life on this incredible planet today.
In the future we might be lucky enough to become Anthropocene fossils.
This collection of mugs were made for daily reflection on our mortality.
We get to experience life on this incredible planet today.
In the future we might be lucky enough to become Anthropocene fossils.
Using the visual language of the Sky Islands canyon landscapes of the Sonoran Desert to convey ideas about self, fragility, rupture, realignment, and thriving in the midst of uncertainty.
I'm exploring through clay how to process my experience of healing initiated by an acute traumatic brain injury in 2020, and how it felt to temporarily perceive through an impaired mind. This is a series in development.
My work is beginning to incorporate found and responsibly gathered ceramic materials from my local desert. I want my ceramic pieces to resemble their source: rocks.
Ceramic materials are landscape.
I'm exploring through clay how to process my experience of healing initiated by an acute traumatic brain injury in 2020, and how it felt to temporarily perceive through an impaired mind. This is a series in development.
My work is beginning to incorporate found and responsibly gathered ceramic materials from my local desert. I want my ceramic pieces to resemble their source: rocks.
Ceramic materials are landscape.
C u r r e n t E x h i b i t i o n
Click the flyer below to read more about the exhibition.
C o l l a b o r a t i o n
S t u d i o P o t t e r A r t i c l e
Donate to fund the construction of a smokeless wood kiln for the Mayo community through La Escuela Nacional de Cerámica's Programa de Hornos de Leña para el Mejoramiento de la Cerámica Mexicana.
All proceeds from the GoFundMe will go to: |
If you're short on time, listen to an audiobook style reading of the article here: